How to Start a Sisters in Christ Group

How to Host Your Own Sisters in Christ Community Girls’ Night Out

In 2007, a friend and I founded the Sisters in Christ Community Girls’ Night Out. We invited several women, some Christians, and some who were not yet Christians, to a night out at a local restaurant. The end result was 28 women crowded at a long table having fun! Since then, we’ve had other Girls’ Night Outs, including a time at a local church where I spoke about the importance of serving others; we played games, ate, sang worship songs, and enjoyed awesome fellowship.

Would you like to start a Sisters in Christ group in your city? It’s easy.

1087378_gathering●First, it doesn’t even have to be a Girls’ Night Out, although those are typically some of the most memorable events! We have also held Sisters in Christ breakfast events after dropping our children off at school. At these once-a-month events, we celebrate (by singing and presenting a signed card) those having birthdays in that month. We spend time in prayer, have fellowship, and those in attendance are welcome to order a meal. (There’s just something about hasbrowns at our local family restaurant that remind me of camping!)

●Don’t just invite your Christian friends. Invite those acquaintances and friends that don’t yet know the Lord. Pray that the Lord will move their hearts during the event. Pray that the Lord would use you to give your unsaved friends a glimpse into the life of a Christian.

●Keep it informal and casual. ‘Nuff said.

●Plan the essentials. An opening prayer, a greeting time (name tags are a great suggestion), worship, and laughing are all essentials.

●Keep it fun. Some of the funnest events we’ve held have been those where our time was unplanned and completely spontaneous. You don’t have to play games or have a speaker, but those are nice added touches.

●Remember your focus. Wow, what an awesome thought that God gave us girlfriends! Where would we be without those women who have come alongside us in difficulties, prayed for us in times of struggle, and have laughed with us during silly times in our lives? Your focus is creating a God-honoring time out with the friends with whom He has blessed you.

●Start small. Don’t try to invite the whole town to your first event.

646980_holiday_fruit_platter_●Be inventive. Hold your Sisters in Christ Community Girls’ Night Out at your church, at a local restaurant (preferably with a back room so you won’t disturb other patrons with your constant chatter and giggles!), at a park, or at your home. If you choose a place other than a restaurant, plan to have everyone bring a munchie to share.

●Come one, come all. Don’t just stick with your girlfriends who attend your church. Cross denominational lines. At our first Girls Night Out, we had women attend from approximately eight Bible-based churches in our city.

●Enlist your husband. When we’ve held the events at night, I’ve arranged for my daughters to have a Daddy/Daughter Night with my husband. I borrowed a movie from the library, popped some popcorn, purchased some ice cream bars, and made it a night for them to remember too! If you don’t have a husband or if your husband isn’t able to help, enlist the assistance of a trusted neighbor, family member, or a babysitter.

●Advertise in your church bulletin. Ask close friends if they can also put a blurb in their church bulletins. You can also invite your friends by telephone calls, email invitations, and traditional snail-mail invitations. If you are planning your event at a restaurant, be sure to have your girlfriends RSVP so you have an accurate (or somewhat accurate!) headcount.

●Plan to witness to those around you. If you are holding your Sisters in Christ event in a restaurant or other public place, this is an excellent opportunity to let the world around you see Christ in your group. It is also a 1356539_cross_with_shadow_4great witness to those attendees who are not yet Christians.

Life is hectic. Time goes fast. Why not invite your girlfriends to a Sisters in Christ Community Girls’ Night Out? We all need a little bit of time away from the busyness of our lives. Use that time to allow God to refresh you and your Sisters! 




9 thoughts on “How to Start a Sisters in Christ Group

  1. Hi Penny, I currently belong to a christian sisters group in my area and we meet every other month, fellowshipping together and sharing the word. I will be hosting the next meeting and I just need ideas on what to do i.e different from the usual norm of sharing the word. Guest speaker??? Any ideas of who and how to get one? or even games…any idea.


  2. Hi Mimi ~

    I’m thrilled to hear that you belong to a Christian sisters group – and what an honor that you will be hosting the next meeting!

    I think a guest speaker would be a great idea. We have done this before for our meetings. A speaker myself, I, along with another speaker spoke on the topic of being used by God for His Kingdom. We also played an icebreaker game, had some “free” time to visit (we women always love to catch up with friends we haven’t seen for awhile!) In addition, we had a few local businesses donate giftcards and other prizes for a couple of fun giveaways.

    Try to find out what some of the women who will be in attendance what they would like to hear from a guest speaker. Do they want mom-related topics? Are they looking for someone who can share encouragement about caring for older relatives? Are they looking for more of a Bible study-type speaker? Perhaps someone who has an awesome testimony so share?

    At a recent engagement, I was a part of a five-woman panel that answered questions from the audience regarding the everyday issues in life pertaining to faith, motherhood, and marriage. It was a wonderful time spent encouraging and uplifting each other and being “real” as to what it means to be a Christian wife and mother.

    I hope these suggestions are helpful. I would love for you to stop back by and let me know how the meeting went.

    God bless,


  3. A wonderful idea! We host a ladies group at our church every month which sounds very similar to your Sisters in Christ event. I know the evening is always a great encouragement to me. The one thing I need to try and do more is bring a friend along.
    Thanks for sharing, Penny.
    Blessings to you.

  4. Do you do events by being a speaker at a Sister in Christ function? If so do you charge and how much? We’re in Cleveland, Ohio.. You may also call: (216) 394-2470. If no answer please lease leave a message and I’ll get back to you. God Bless!!! Theodosia Montgomery

    1. Hi Theodosia! Thank you for your comment and question. Unfortunately I won’t be in the Cleveland area anytime soon, but I am honored to be asked. Have a blessed week!

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