Posted in Growing in the Lord, miscellaneous how-to

5 ways to be a better listener

Someone once mentioned that the reason we have one mouth and two ears is because listening is more important than speaking. I’m not sure who coined that, but there’s definitely some truth to it. In a world filled with the static of people constantly talking, many times about themselves, how can we become better listeners? How can we really hear what someone has to say?

Below are five ways to become a better listener.

Be an eager listener. In James 1:19, we are told to be quick to listen and slow to speak.

Make sure you have time to listen. If we are unable to listen to someone at the moment they need us to do so, respectfully ask them if they could give us a minute and then we will be “all ears”.

Genuinely invest yourself in the conversation. To be an active listener who genuinely cares about what the other person is saying, we have to be invested in what the other person is saying. There’s a new term called “phubbing” where a person snubs the other person and instead focuses solely on their phone. Not exactly the definition of listening. Neither is choosing the computer, TV, or newspaper when someone is attempting to carry on a conversation with you.

Give full attention to the person speaking. To expound on the suggestion above, have you ever chatted with someone who doesn’t maintain any eye contact? To be a more effective listener, eye contact is crucial.

Don’t interrupt. We’ve all met that person who has so much to say that they have little patience in waiting to say it. To be a better listener, we must avoid the temptation of interrupting.

While listening is not always easy for a variety of reasons, doing so is critical for healthy relationships. It also gives us the opportunity to pray for others if they have needs, helps us to get to know someone better, and is an excellent way to practice putting others first (Philippians 2:3).

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10 ways to encourage others

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13 ways to help someone going through a difficult time

happy release day to Over the Horizon!