Posted in Growing in the Lord, making a difference, Miscellanous how-to

13 ways to help someone going through a difficult time

Many times we hear of a need through prayer chains, Bible studies, social media, or even while talking with an acquaintance at the grocery store.

How can you help someone going through a difficult time? Below are 13 ways.


Pray. And not only praying for the person in need, but also praying with them. Take a moment and lift up that person and their needs to the Lord. praying-3


Make contact. Years ago, after my husband had open heart surgery, I was surprised when I heard from a few people say long after the surgery that they didn’t want to “bother us” while we were going through our difficult time. The worst thing you can do for someone going through a difficult time is to avoid contact. This is when they need you the most.


Investigate. How can you help? Do they need meals? Grocery delivery? Kids taken to an extra-curricular activity? The car filled up with gas for their next doctor’s appointment?groceries


Be specific. Instead of saying, “let me know if you need anything,” which leaves the person in need an easy-way-out of not asking, say, “what can I do to help?” Or “I’m going grocery shopping later today. What can I pick up for you?”

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Check in often. Checking in a couple times a week to let the person in need know you’re thinking about them and continuing to pray is paramount. A quick text or phone call means a lot, as does a traditionally-mailed card.telephone-call


Don’t make it about you. This isn’t the time to place the guilt on the person in need because they aren’t able to have lunch or get together with you as often as you’d like.


Don’t stop caring. How many times do we stop helping someone going through a lengthy crisis long before they stop needing our help? Be there for the long haul.


Think of the little things. We hear a lot about the mowing of yards or the shoveling of driveways. But what about the little things? Picking up their mail or newspaper while they are out of town overnight at the hospital, for instance. Or watering their garden or flowers? mail


Be mindful of those with chronic illness. Three family members of mine suffer from chronic illness. It’s a day-to-day never-ending struggle with intense pain for each of them. Be there for them, even if they just need to talk.


Don’t give unsolicited advice. Or pressure them into a supposed “cure-all” for their circumstance or illness. I.e., “If you would only take these special supplements, you would be cured of your ailment.”


Offer some respite. Know a newly-divorced mom? Offer to babysit her children while she tends to important matters. Know an exhausted caregiver? Offer to assist where needed.


Be a listening ear through the grief. Know someone who has recently lost a loved one? Be a listening ear through the sadness and the memories.SONY DSC


Help monetarily. If you know the person in need has accumulated numerous medical bills or is off work for any length of time, a small donation is always welcome.

When someone is going through a difficult time, whether it be a health issue, a divorce, the loss of a loved one, or someone who is a full-time caregiver in need of respite, such gestures, such as those listed above, can be a huge blessing to the recipient.

In just a couple of days, I’ll be hosting a 12 Days of Christmas in November giveaway with several of my author friends. It all starts on November 10, so be sure to check back!

Before you go, check out these other posts:

5 ways to start your day off right

Subscribe to my newsletter (and receive a free book!)

10 people to pray for

15 scriptural reminders of God’s comfort

happy release day to Over the Horizon!


Penny Zeller is known for her heartfelt stories of faith and her passion to impact lives for Christ through fiction. While she has had a love for writing since childhood, she began her adult writing career penning articles for national and regional publications on a wide variety of topics. Today Penny is a multi-published author of over a dozen books. She is also a homeschool mom and a group fitness instructor. When Penny is not dreaming up new characters, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two daughters and camping, hiking, canoeing, reading, running, gardening, and playing volleyball. She is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency and loves to hear from her readers at her website,, her blog,, and through her newsletter via

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