Posted in book giveaways

Without Expectation (Guest Post and Giveaway)

I am excited to be back to blogging again! After a month off, it’s great to be return to writing movie reviews, humor and inspirational posts, and hosting some of my favorite author friends. Speaking of favorite author friends…today I have a special guest. Lisa Buffaloe has written a wonderful post about following the Lord. Lisa is the host of Living Joyfully Radio and is also an author. She is giving away a copy of her latest book Nadia’s Hope to one lucky commenter. But more about that at the end of the post. For now, let’s enjoy Lisa’s article…

Without Expectation By Lisa Buffaloe


I’ve been a blogger and writer for years. I’ve attended writer conferences and mentoring clinics, been blessed with a wonderful literary agent, and worked on honing my craft. I thought I knew where God was leading. Then last year, He opened a door to become a radio host. Me? Whimper.

After much prayer, and God’s assurance, I jumped into a new adventure. Equipment, software, and domain names were purchased for Living Joyfully Free Radio. A website was established, and I contacted people to be interviewed. No compensation is received. However the joy and blessings of sharing these wonderful testimonies about our amazing God are worth every moment of time, money, and effort.

Then God called me to step away from my sweet agent and go out into the publishing world on my own. More whimpering. God’s Spirit kept whispering into my soul that my journey would not be like the rest, but to keep my eyes on Him.

However, I want to follow others and the typical pathways. I’m a Buffaloe. Shouldn’t I be traveling in the herd?

So now I’m hiring editors to make sure my work is the best possible, and I’m publishing the stories God has blessed me to write. I’m still scared. I still don’t understand. But I know I am to be obedient. And not only obedient but to live without expectations of what God will do on each of these adventures.

I’m still whimpering, but I want to please God above pleasing man. I want to live my life however God sees fit, to be used in whatever way He chooses. I’m clinging to God, His word, and His promises. And I’m living without expectations in the freedom and excitement of being and becoming who God wants me to be.

“Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” (Deuteronomy 31:8, Philippians 2:13 NLT)

What expectations have you placed on yourself and on God?

Lisa Buffaloe is an avid blogger, writer, speaker, and host for Living Joyfully Free Radio. Her past experiences—molestation by a baby-sitter, assault, rape by a doctor, divorce, being stalked, cancer, death of loved ones, seven surgeries, and eleven years of chronic illness from Lyme Disease—bless her with a backdrop to share about God’s unending love and that through Him we find healing, restoration, and renewal. She is the author of Nadia’s Hope, Prodigal Nights, Grace for the Char-Baked and a contributing author of The One Year Book of Joy and Laughter.

Lisa is giving away a copy of her latest book, Nadia’s Hope. Here is the blurb…

The Nightmares continue. Memories won’t heal. Nadia must make a choice. Nadia Minsky fled Israel to escape her past, but she can’t outrun her nightmares. The throbbing scars along her hip and stomach are cruel reminders of shattered dreams. Even though surgeons mended her body, her spirit still bleeds. Friends claim only God can heal her. For Nadia, trusting a God who allowed her to suffer is inconceivable. Can close friends, a wild roommate, and a handsome medical student help Nadia learn to trust? Or will her past forever cripple her future?

For a chance to win Nadia’s Hope, leave an encouraging comment for Lisa and/or answer her question above about what expectations you have placed on yourself and on God. A winner will be chosen at random and the contest is open to everyone. However, if you are a subscriber to this blog, you will receive two entries.  If a winner from outside the U.S. is chosen, they will receive the ebook version. The contest ends on September 27, 2012.

Join me on Mondays for Movie Monday and on alternating Thursdays for two-week giveaways. On the other Thursdays, join me for humor and inspirational posts. Until then, have a great week!


Penny Zeller is known for her heartfelt stories of faith and her passion to impact lives for Christ through fiction. While she has had a love for writing since childhood, she began her adult writing career penning articles for national and regional publications on a wide variety of topics. Today Penny is a multi-published author of over a dozen books. She is also a homeschool mom and a group fitness instructor. When Penny is not dreaming up new characters, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two daughters and camping, hiking, canoeing, reading, running, gardening, and playing volleyball. She is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency and loves to hear from her readers at her website,, her blog,, and through her newsletter via

43 thoughts on “Without Expectation (Guest Post and Giveaway)

  1. I’m humbled at your obedience to God, especially with the things you have come through in your past. May God bless you as you continue to obey his leading.
    I’m currently striving to follow his lead in an area that is out of my comfort zone. While I have taught Sunday school for nearly 40 years, it was primarily with preschoolers or kindergarteners. I thought I was stretching myself when I took a class that included third graders. Late this summer when they were searching for a teacher for the seventh and eighth grade class I was praying about who they could or should ask, when God said “What about you” My husband and I led the class for the first time last Sunday!
    with the entry for the book, which sounds like a fantastic read, I am a subscriber to the blog.

    1. Thank you, MaryAnn. Isn’t it wonderful how God uses us in unique ways. As you speak to the Sunday school class, God’s word never returns void. What a wonderful promise and blessing!

      God’s blessings to you,

  2. I’m halfway through Prodigal Nights and loving it, (I’m Kat with the kawaii.katers email) so I know Nadia’s Hope must be a great read, too! I had no idea you had been though so much, Lisa. Thank you for having the courage to use those experiences to share God’s love and healing. I know a few people who have been through horrible things and hide them, afraid of appearing imperfect or weak. It saddens me that they have the chance to be a powerful witness for the Lord and are afraid to use it. All I can do it pray that they find the healing and trust in God to not let those situations bind them any longer.

    I had expectations that by this point in my life, I would be doing the things God has laid on my heart for years. But He is still forming me and laying my pathway so that when I get there, everything will be ready. I know my husband struggles with physical things like not understanding why we are still renting instead of owning a house. But those things don’t bother me. So we help each other be patient and trust in God’s perfect plan.

    1. Hi Kat, I’m so glad you are enjoying Prodigal Nights. Thank you! God’s timing is perfect. I look back and can see all the years of waiting were for refining and growing me, and also growing ministries to help support those who contact me. God is amazing! Keep trusting and believing!

      God’s blessings to you,

  3. God is dealing with me about trust. I too am divorced and have been abused so trust is not and easy thing for me. I am retired and trying to write for God but I am also struggling financially. God has been showing me I can trust Him with my finances and He will take care of me. I love that about Him. I would love to win a copy of your book, it sounds awesome. God bless you both.

    Glenda Parker

    1. Glenda, God is always trustworthy. Doesn’t mean that life isn’t scary at times, but God will never leave or forsake us. And the cool thing is, He promises to be our husband.

      God bless you as He leads and provides for you on the journey!!

  4. Good interview, Lisa!
    Go Lisa, I know the Lord is pleased when His children run the race set before them.
    And I love your books. They are all good reads written with a touch of faith and encouragement to cheer readers on as they run their races.
    Cheering you on

  5. I think God’s expectation of me is that I will bring Him glory. I hope to live up to that. I think I have taken a different course through life from what many women my age chose so that I have been more available to God for His purposes than some have been (not referring to any Christian authors with that comment).

    The book sounds really good and I would expect it to give me a spiritual boost. Since we are talking expectations, I thought you would want to know. 🙂

    Blessings, Janice jsmithg(at)hotmail(dot)com

  6. Your question is tough. I have high expectations for myself. I don’t know about my expectations for God. That is a really tough question…

    1. Wendy, I’m so grateful God directs our paths even when we aren’t sure where those paths lead. 🙂 Just keep close to Him and He’ll guide the way.

      God’s blessings to you,

  7. Lisa, thank you for sharing. I commend you for your obedience to God when He tells you to make these changes. Way to go and best wishes to you.

  8. My life’s anchor is “Great is is his faithfulness. His lovingkindness begins AFRESH each day.” Lam. 3:23 LB. Life is scary but God is still in control. Blessings!

  9. I am very excited to read your book, Nadia’s Hope. I sounds very intrigueing. God’s expectations for me are to do my best in every endeavor I start and to pass on His legacy of unconditional love.

  10. Being obedient to God’s call is not always easy. Or maybe I should say rarely easy. Ten years ago I was happy working on becoming this great writer when God called me into working with teens about abstinence. And it’s funny how there is never a question about the call…door just seem to fling open. 🙂 Then after 8 years, an abstinence curriculum and workbook and testimonials from the teens I worked with, He released me to go back to my fictional world. And 4 years later, I’m a Genesis finalist…with an agent. I haven’t arrived…won’t until I stand before Him!
    pat at ptbradley dot com

    1. Pat, I love reading about your journey following God. Isn’t it incredible to look back and see how He opened doors! I look forward to hearing “the rest of the story” when we reach heaven’s gate.

      God’s blessings to you,

  11. I really haven’t placed any expectations on myself or God. I know God will do what is best for me, no “if’s, and’s, or but’s, as my Grandmother would say.

  12. okay I am not sure if this answers your question or not but I am 52 and last year I felt God was telling mer he wanted me to get a driving licensee for the first time so I could take people to places they needed to go and so I got them. it was really hard hard for me to let go of my fear but I do and then about 5 months after getting them I had an accident driving my daughter’s car. I was nervous and hit the gas instead of the brakes and haven’t driven since but I feel God is still telling me to drive and help others,but He is going to have to take the fear away

    1. Praying for you, Debbie. One of the many neat things about God is that He will help you as you obey. He will provide for us the strength to do the things that often make us uncomfortable or afraid. God will never leave or forsake us. Keep pressing into Him and He will help you.

      Fearless blessings to you,

  13. I am encouraged the God has given you the ability to be an author, and to be on radio despite all of your life traumas. You have overcome, Praise God!
    Actually you are a blessing to me. I have had Lyme Disease for 20 years. This past year has been the most discouraging of the past 20. I have lost so much this year. I have never had a harder time keeping the faith. It is wonderful to see a fellow “Lymie” accomplishing things–you give me hope.

    1. Becky, I’m so sorry you have been battling Lyme Disease. God will never waste a moment of our time or pain. I’ll pray for healing, comfort, and hope for your journey.

      God’s blessings to you,

  14. Lisa, thank you for being so transparent about all you’ve been through. I joke w/my family saying I’m going to write a book and will NOT change the names to protect anyone! LOL! I know about chronic pain, living w/fibromyalgia and resltess leg syndrome and spinal stenosis. But it just makes me wonder what the thorn was that Paul had to live with, ya know. May God bless you in your endeavors to honor and serve Him. teela

    1. Hi Teela, I’ve wondered the same about Paul. I am so grateful the Bible shares the good, the bad, and the ugly. And I adore that the Bible is all about redemption and restoration! And when we are in Christ we always get the happy ending! Yay!

      God’s blessings to you,

  15. My expectations of God is that He will always be on time–on His time table set for each individual. That difficult to hang on to when you’re a writer and waiting for responses to come in from queries sent out. I’m a subscriber to this blog.

    1. Jo, I love that you mention God’s timing individually set. It’s so awesome to think about how He loves us individually and has a special journey with special blessings on His special timetable. 🙂 And I sure do know about waiting, but His timing is always perfect.

      God’s blessings to you,

What do you think? Feel free to leave a comment!